Erik Bethke’s Simple Gun Responsibility Policy Recommendations
Gathering proposals for Vice President Biden on reducing gun violence I received so many interesting ones from game industry veterans I thought I’d share a few. Here’s one from Erik Bethke. Game On! \o/ Nicole
Erik Bethke, Game Entrepreneur
Simple Gun Responsibility Policy Recommendations
The Right to Own Guns is a deeply held American value.
While many countries around the world have successfully implemented strict gun control laws – and have seen dramatic reductions in homicide rates – we do not propose the wholesale restriction of gun ownership.
Gun Ownership is a right that carries strong obligations and responsibilities to wield this right in a manner that protects the rights and liberties of fellow Americans – namely the pursuit of life itself.
In short, we promote Gun Responsibility not Gun Control.
Ownership, Training, Checks and Tiers – OTCT
Gun Responsibility:
1. Full Ownership – You own your weapon and take full responsibility for all actions of the gun: Safe gun-keeping, safe transportation, safe selling and transferring and of course all injuries and deaths resulting from the gun are the responsibility for the gun owner.
a. Do not lend your gun to friends, do not allow your children to have access to your guns, and always lock your guns in a Federally approved gun safe when not in active use.
b. Report any missing or stolen guns to your local Police ASAP, but mere reporting does not relieve the gun owner of responsibility for the gun. If after investigation the police are satisfied that the owner has taken all current best practices for Gun Keeping the owner maybe be issued a Non-fault Certificate of Missing Weapon. The gun then becomes the responsibility of the locale, state and federal police systems.
2. Training – no one shall be issued a permit to own a gun without proving full and current training with the specific gun types sought.
a. The training shall be thorough and no less than what is standard practice for safe gun handling used in police departments, coast guards and militias.
b. The training shall cover all aspects of gun ownership: purchase and transfer processes, storage, transportation, cleaning, and of course actual firing practice.
c. The training shall be provided by private companies as one would find for getting a license to drive a car, SCUBA, practice medicine, fly a plane, or spray pesticides on your farm. The cost of these courses are to be paid by the prospective gun owner.
d. Schools that have a abnormal history of students with irresponsible gun ownership shall lose their licenses to train permanently and the principle executives and majority shareholders will also be permanently banned from training.
3. Background Checks – All prospective gun owners must pass through background checks to prevent criminals and the untrained from possessing guns.
a. Everyone agrees that career felons and criminals should not be able to buy guns; and yet we have the gigantic loophole of the private person to person sale of weapons. Websites like Armslist connect criminals and the mentally unstable to military grade Bushmaster AR 15 assault rifles in minutes for $800 cash no questions asked. This loophole must be eliminated immediately.
b. Only Federally registered gun dealers shall be able to broker a trade of guns. Just like the transfer of stocks, if Mary wants to buy Bob’s AR 15 and she has the $800 cash that Bob is looking for, they must go to Alice who happens to be a Federally Registered Gun Dealer. Alice is free to charge whatever she wants to on top of the Federal Gun Safety Registration Fee of $250 per weapon transfer. Included in the $250 fee is a nation-wide background check of local, state and federal criminal histories.
c. Additionally, the prospective gun owner must be clear of a history of major mental instabilities. All mental health workers will have access to a federal database to log major mental instabilities. In the event that a gun causes injury or homicide and the gun owner turns out to have a mental health issues that were not reported by the mental health worker, their license maybe in jeopardy. In addition, anyone who shares the same address as the prospective gun owner must pass the same mental stability checks.
d. The minimum age to own a gun is 18.
e. Any gun that lies outside of the federal gun dealer database is illegal and the reporting of any such weapon triggers a $5000 reward.
4. Tiers of Gun Responsibility – just like pilots who must learn how to fly a small private plane before flying a 747 over cities, and ship captains that must get qualified on small boats before sailing a 500 foot cargo ship, gun owners too must qualify themselves on their weapons of increasing lethality.
a. Small caliber, low rate of fire hunting rifles and shotguns are the lowest (easiest) tier of Gun-keeping – age 18.
b. Increasing caliber and rates of fire of hunting weapons
c. Home defense shotguns
d. Home defense, small caliber handguns, limit 6 rounds in the magazine (minimum age for a handgun is 28 – 10 years of clean Gun Responsibility)
e. Home defense, larger caliber handguns
f. Concealed carry permits – minimum age is 35
g. Military Weapons – Military Weapons such as Assault Rifles, and Semi-Auto handguns with magazines greater than 6 bullets, and/or designed for military and SWAT customers require advanced training and permits that are on the very upper limits of the tiers of Gun Responsibility. These“Militia Permits” shall not be issued with no less than 20 years of successful Gun Responsibility with no significant infractions. Minimum age is 38.
NOTE: Parents may begin to teach their children how to fire a weapon at any age that they see fit. However the parent will be the legal owner of the gun, and takes full responsibility for any and all use of that weapon by that child. For example, a parent may purchase a hunting rifle for their daughter on her 11th birthday. But if she were take it to school and shoot a classmate, her parents shall be prosecuted for murder.
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